Szanowni Państwo

W związku z występowaniem przypadków zakażenia koronawirusem w Polsce i realnym zagrożeniem epidemiologicznym, popartym zaleceniami Głównego Inspektora Sanitarnego, mając na uwadze bezpieczeństwo i zdrowie Państwa oraz pracowników naszej firmy, zdecydowaliśmy o nieorganizowaniu tegorocznej edycji konferencji HR w Centrach Usług Biznesowych i IT.

Dziękujemy za zrozumienie,
Zarząd TEST

Ewa Carr-de Avelon

Head of the Poland Shared Services Center (XL Catlin)

For nearly one half of her 25-year-long professional career, she performed various managerial functions in the shared service sector. She managed the HR Service Centre of Credit Suisse, serving Switzerland and largest European countries, as well as Marketing Services and Sales Support Division of the Global Business Centre of Hewlett Packard, being in charge of teams in Poland and Romania. At present, she manages the Polish branch of XL Catlin, which in Wrocław employs nearly 400 people handling mostly insurance and reinsurance processes. Ewa Carr-de Avelon’s professional interests and experience include SSC development, from transaction services to advanced knowledge-based processes, and change management. She is a genuine enthusiast of Six Sigma methodology, with extensive experience in the area of process improvement and continuous quality improvement. As regards social activity, she is engaged in the work of the Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL) – the largest organisation representing cutting-edge services for business in Poland – by coordinating ABSL’s activity in Lower Silesia.

Ewa Carr-de Avelon graduated from the University of Wrocław, Faculties of German and Dutch Philology, and completed her MSc in Strategic Quality Management at the University of Portsmouth, Great Britain. She also completed a post-graduate course in HR. In 2015 she obtained Stanford Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate.

Topic: Building employee engagement as a tool to combat turnover.

Description: No one needs to be persuaded that organizations need committed employees. Many organizations are looking for ways to increase motivation and engagement, and they rightly believe that this is the way to achieve goals and build loyalty. During the lecture, Ewa will try to answer the question of how to deal with employees’ morale and commitment in a situation of high team turnover. She will also show how the following influences engagement: knowledge management, clearly defined career paths, and the issue of their continuous development.

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Conference Partners 2018


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  • żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia oraz ograniczenia przetwarzania a także prawo do przenoszenia swoich danych osobowych;
  • wycofania udzielonej zgody w dowolnym momencie. Wycofanie zgody, nie wpływa na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej wycofaniem.
  • Wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego (GIODO/PUODO)
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AG TEST HR Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa: Ul. Zwierzyniecka 30, 31-105, Kraków
[email protected]

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[email protected]
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